Queensland Female Founders: How To Introduce Yourself Like a Pro!

by | Aug 16, 2023

It’s no secret that Queensland is bursting with grant funded programs for female founders.

With access to this much assistance, it’s a great time to be a woman in business!


The dread of how to introduce yourself professionally or pitch your idea in front of a crowd is so profound that it stops you from taking any action at all. 

The Power of a Confident Introduction

I want to address the lurking monster that hides in the shadows of our entrepreneurial dreams – the art of delivering a professional introduction or a compelling pitch in under a minute.

As the founder of Conscious Copy, I’ve witnessed first-hand the immense potential that lies within Queensland’s business women. Yet, I also see the hesitation that holds women back from showcasing their brilliance.

The spotlight on female founders is, right now, brighter than ever before. You could almost say that this is a golden era for women in business. It’s a time of empowerment, collaboration, and transformative growth. But amidst this landscape of opportunities, I see women choosing to step away from all that is on offer, daunted by the idea of presenting and pitching.

We’ve all been there – the moment when a potential opportunity arises, and the pressure to encapsulate our business brilliance becomes overwhelming. The fear of not doing justice to our vision can be paralysing, causing us to shy away from even attempting.

However, I want you to remember that within you lies a unique story, a journey that has shaped your entrepreneurial path. A story worth sharing. 

Tools & Tips for a Memorable Pitch

It’s time to embrace the challenge and conquer your fears, by using some tried and tested tools and frameworks.

Embarking on the Heroine’s Journey:

Storytelling is an art that connects us.

Why not consider embracing the Heroine’s Journey framework to develop your business story?

You are the protagonist, overcoming challenges and emerging stronger. Your journey is filled with moments of transformation, setbacks, and triumphs – elements that captivate listeners.

By sharing your narrative, you humanise your brand and create a memorable connection that lingers far beyond the first encounter.

As an example, I would like to share some of my story.

It is personal, but it is true, and, as a fellow female founder, I share it in the hope that you have the courage to share your story too. 

After a 20+ year corporate career, I made the decision to dive into the world of entrepreneurship.

This major decision was precipitated by a series of challenges and life-altering events, the greatest of which was when my beautiful Mum was diagnosed with Stage IV Ovarian Cancer in 2016. From this seemingly hopeless situation an opportunity was born…the opportunity to witness my strong Mum’s fight against an insidious disease for which there is no early detection test (yet) and to learn all that she had to teach.

I watched my Mum’s brave fight and marvelled at her unending hope, but what I really saw was the most beautiful evolution of a woman, and a family.

My Mum spent the last 5-years of her life exemplifying how to live in the present moment and love unconditionally, and the lessons she taught will forever be a part of who I am. She encouraged me to trust my own wisdom and reassured me that we would always be connected. 

I do trust myself, now in a way that I had never experienced before, and I feel that I am connected to something much larger than myself; it is for that reason that I took the leap and launched Conscious Copy.

I grew around my grief. It is not gone, but I am bigger for it, and I believe that this profoundly difficult time has brought me to a place, now, where I can truly empower women through my business. This is what drives me and why I created Conscious Copy with the vision of:

To collaborate with women in business and support them to achieve their goals, to grow and to evolve. Believing in the power of a growth mindset to create meaningful change, we infuse learning, growth and acceptance in everything we do.

We provide exceptional service and use this as a vehicle to spread love and inspire our clients.

Now, this story is not one for all audiences and if the context were less personal, I would focus more on the work-related drivers for the career change and how this prepared me to deliver exceptional services.

That is still a true story.

It shows the origin of my business and it can still follow the Heroine’s Journey, but it does not take such a personal path.

Have you thought about your story, yet?

I’d love to hear it.

The Power of the Gaddie Pitch:

There are times when it is just not possible to tell your story and, for those moments, it is wise to be prepared with a quick-fire pitch on hand, to make an unforgettable introduction.

The Gaddie Pitch is a concise and impactful method, which focuses on three elements.

First, you start by hooking your audience’s attention with an intriguing opening that they can very clearly relate to. You almost hear them say, “You’re in my head!” or see them nodding emphatically.

Next, you highlight a problem your product or service addresses, resonating with the audience’s pain points.

Finally, you present your solution, showcasing how your business or product is a game-changer.

This pitch formula ensures you make an impression that lasts.

Take a look at an early example of a pitch I created on my new YouTube channel. 

(Now, if you’re a purist, this is not a 100% Gaddie Pitch but you will note some of the elements here.)

For clarity, the Gaddie Pitch follows this framework:

First sentence:

You know when…name the target customer, their biggest problem, and use a metaphor if you can.

Second sentence:

Well, what we do is…talk about your product and the way you solve the problem.

Third sentence:

In fact…state the results and give examples.

The entire pitch should take only 30 seconds! This is easy to remember, to say naturally and you can have it on hand when the opportunity arises. 

It is not possible to include every product or service in the first introduction and I reassure my clients that this is okay. Your business, your audience and your products will likely require you to have a few different pitches up your sleeve.

Certainly, your introduction at function with other Queensland female founders might be different to that which you would give when you are speaking one-on-one to an individual new prospect. The target market and audience will inform what your pitch focusses on and the more tailored your pitch is to your audience’s problem, the greater the impact will be.

It is vastly better to deliver a memorable introduction and leave the audience wanting to know more, as opposed to overwhelming them with every problem you could solve, or every product and service you offer. That would be like preparing a special meal, but adding more and more ingredients into your trusted recipe…all you are going to end up with is a mess. Lots to clean up. And an awful tasting experience for your guests.

There is only so much that we can absorb, and I believe an overwhelmed audience is an opportunity lost.

Confidence as Your Secret Weapon:

Unsurprisingly, confidence might be the glue that binds your brilliance and your story together.

Even if you’re still refining your business concept, remember that your passion, dedication, and unique perspective are worth sharing.

Practice, rehearse, and visualise your introduction.

Embrace techniques like EFT tapping, mindfulness, controlled breathing (and practice, practice, practice) to boost your confidence before you begin.

It is possible that your hands will shake, and your stomach will flip but know that you are not alone. If your hands are shaking, grab the table, the chair or your knees (if you’re sitting down)! Letting them wave about will only make you feel more nervous. 

If you’re looking for more advice on public speaking, there are some great YouTube videos with tips on how to become a confident speaker.

I love this one, How to Speak so People Want to Listen | Julian Treasure and this one Think Fast, Talk Smart: Communication Techniques (it’s long, so fast-forward to the tips on anxiety management) but there are endless others.

I’d love to hear from you if you have found a video that helps you to improve your confidence.

As female founders in Queensland, the spotlight truly is on us.

We hold the potential to drive change, build booming businesses and make an impact. We can learn and grow through the many grant funded programs on offer, with opportunities, and networks all within reach.

It is my hope that you embrace your narrative, own your brilliance, and that you make the most of the opportunities that are available to us, right now. 

Good luck!

At Conscious Copy, we offer a unique perspective of business; working with clients to understand their goals and objectives before creating exceptional written copy to achieve their goals. 

After a 20+ year career in the corporate world,  Amy’s expertise culminates in a unique ability to support organisations to achieve their goals; even when they operate in complex and competitive environments.

Check us out on Facebook and Instagram, or if you’re new to the world of copywriting, visit our FAQs page to explore more: https://consciouscopy.com.au/faqs/.

If you’d like to get in touch, head to https://consciouscopy.com.au/contact/ to find out how.